"As informed employers, we are committed to providing people with criminal records a fair chance to participate and progress in the UK economy and contribute to society."

"As informed employers, we are committed to providing people with criminal records a fair chance to participate and progress in the UK economy and contribute to society."

Lead us into Year 2!

Major employers from retail, construction, media, hospitality, business services and more have been piloting the UK’s first Employment Charter for people with criminal records. Now we’re building our alliance at scale and pace to make lasting change to business and the communities they serve. 

Good for society GREAT for business

12 million people in the UK have a criminal record, with more than eight million of working age – a fifth of the available workforce. The stigma often makes it harder to find or advance in meaningful employment.

In a time of employment and productivity crises, it just makes sense to us as employers that every one of them gets a fair chance to do the best work they can. Good jobs reduce offending, make communities safer and boosts the economy, which is all great for business.


The Fair Chance Business Alliance has been founded and is funded by employers, for employers, to make Fair Chance employment possible, practical, safe and normal.

Our Employment Charter is a world-changing set of quality standards showing employers how to become inclusive places for people with criminal records to work and progress.

We’re backing this up with a suite of resources, developed in partnership with businesses and experts, to support members with every step.

In time, we’ll match these with resources to help people with criminal records back into employability and work, too.

Members will wear their Chartermark with pride: proof that they’re committed to giving people with criminal records a Fair Chance.

More about the Fair Chance Business Alliance

Not convinced? Find out why it matters

Help us shape our Employment Charter

Latest News


Our Opening Doors Forum with BITC

We were delighted to invite friends of the FCBA movement to join us on Tuesday July 16th at 2pm for a lively one-hour Opening Doors Forum on employing people with criminal records, co-hosted with our friends and partners at Business in

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Partnership news: Summer 2024

After several months of due diligence and focused discussion, we have invited nGAGE (the BridgeOfHope.careers portal people) to be our partner in showcasing Fair Chance Employers’ jobs, as well as offering Fair Chance Candidates resources to aid their search and applications.

Bridge of Hope was built on co-founder and CEO Michael Corrigan’s previous business, Europe’s largest recruitment platform for people with criminal records. He says, “We’re excited and are looking forward to partnering with Fair Chance Business Alliance to provide a jobs board solution for employers and people with disadvantageous personal histories. The vital nature of this work is underpinned by the base statistics of both ex-offender employment (less than one in five are in work within six months of leaving prison) and unemployment generally being at ongoing record lows despite nearly one million job vacancies!”

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Havas Village Building Exterior, 3 St Pancras Square, King's Cross.

Get ready: we’re going LIVE in October

We have pushed our Go Live date back to October 2nd to avoid becoming entangled in the General Election. And we’re thrilled to invite employers and potential members to join us for this exciting event at which we will unveil our mission, our founding members, and our tantalising plans for the future…

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