"As intentionally inclusive employers, we are committed to providing people with criminal records a fair chance to participate and progress in the UK economy and contribute to society."

"As intentionally inclusive employers, we are committed to providing people with criminal records a fair chance to participate and progress in the UK economy and contribute to society."

Join the Fair Chance Business Alliance

Founded and funded by employers, for employers, we exist to make the recruitment and progression of people with criminal records safe, sustainable and normal. Our Fair Chance Charter is a world-first initiative, providing a comprehensive set of quality standards and accompanying resources to support employers to open their doors to more than eight million people in the ‘waiting workforce’ – a woefully untapped talent pool.

By 2030...
... Collective employer action can ...

Open up 1.5 million job opportunities

Help over 30,000 people to advance their careers or find stable employment

Create at least £1billion in social value

Good for communities GREAT for business

The Fair Chance Business Alliance is transforming the way businesses view talent by championing Fair Chance employment. 8 million people of working age in the UK have a criminal record – 90% of whom have never been to prison. The stigma often makes it harder to find or advance in meaningful employment.

In a time of employment and productivity crises, it just makes sense to us as employers that every one of them gets a fair chance to do the best work they can. Good jobs reduce offending, make communities safer and boosts the economy, which is all great for business.


The Fair Chance Business Alliance has been founded and is funded by employers, for employers, to make Fair Chance employment possible, practical, safe and normal.

Members are supported at each step of their inclusive recruitment journey with a suite of resources, developed in partnership with businesses and criminal justice sector experts .

In 2025, we will publish resources to support people with criminal records to secure and thrive in good jobs.

Members wear their Chartermark with pride: proof that they’re committed to giving people with criminal records a Fair Chance.

More about the Fair Chance Business Alliance

Not convinced? Find out why it matters

Help us shape our Employment Charter

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Fair Chance Webinar, hosted by Clinks

A brilliant hour this afternoon spent hearing from a range of experts from the criminal justice sector on the critical issue of fair chance employment in the UK and how the Fair Chance employment charter provides an innovative and unique

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Find out how Fair Chance employment could change your organisation.

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