A hand holding a magnifying lens over the Fair Chance shield icon.

The Charter

The Charter

A hand holding a magnifying lens over the Fair Chance shield icon.

Learning from the best

Our Fair Chance Charter has now completed its pilot phase. We’ll shortly be entering a rolling programme of ‘Soft Launches’ to introduce the Charter to more employers and build a critical mass of business members willing to tackle the first two tiers: Bronze and Silver.

Our model is inspired by the success of the three-tier Disability Confident and Defence Employer Recognition Schemes, among others. It also draws on ‘Fair Chance Principles’ established by the Ex-offender charity Unlock. It delivers:

Our Pilot Charter: overview

Founding principles

The charter will deliver:

New employment opportunities that last

Employers that stick with it

A permanent culture-shift.

Bronze standards

  • Designate a responsible person for inclusive recruitment.
  • Ensure new appointee acquires knowledge of safeguarding and Fair Chance hiring principles and practices.
  • Begin to grow a Fair Chance culture.
  • Develop Fair Chance policies and procedures
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders legislation.
  • Disclosure and Criminal Record checks.
  • Data Protection legislation.
  • Sign and fulfil the Fair Chance Pledge.
  • Publicise your membership of the Alliance.

Silver standards: Bronze PLUS

  • Rehabilitation of Offenders legislation
  • Disclosure and Criminal Records checks
  • Data Protection legislation
  • Fair Chance Principles
  • Embed a Fair Chance Culture.
  • Training.
  • Recruitment Preparation, Interviews & Onboarding.
  • Actively promote your Charter membership.
  • Engage your supply & value chain in Fair Chance Employment.

Gold standards: Silver PLUS

  • Advocate for Fair Chance hiring.
  • Promote Alliance membership.
  • Review policies periodically
  • Training around intentional inclusion.
  • Alternative deployment based on disclosure.
  • Ban the Box.
  • Build partnerships with other members of the Fair Chance Alliance.
  • Provide opportunities for mentoring and education to Fair Chance partners.
  • Sponsor at least one Fair Chance event.
  • Demonstrate your leadership of the Alliance.

A lasting change

We have designed our charter standards to be: 

  • Evidence-based: shown to improve the prospects of successfully and sustainably employing people with criminal records.
  • Flexible enough to accommodate employers of different sizes and sectors.
  • Robust enough to hold employers responsible for their commitments.
  • User-friendly enough to implement and assess in ways that have a manageable impact on HR and other operations.
  • Staged to encourage and support progression to higher tiers.
  • Attractive and accessible to employers.
  • Reassuring to candidates with criminal records.

How we got here

We set up a working party of industry leaders and experts from the charity sector. They’ve spent months working with us  to define:

Want to have your say?

Want to help shape the Fair Chance Employment Charter?

Join our growing family of founding signatories.

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Havas Village Building Exterior, 3 St Pancras Square, King's Cross.

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