Group photo showing the seating area at Havas Village, with Keith Jones (Chair) and Neil Wood (Founder and COO) presenting.

Soft Launch: a review!

FCBA’s successful Soft Launch took place on 22nd May at Havas Village London.

The event was well attended from across sectors, with huge thanks due to our contributors:

  • Carolyn Bundy (Toyota GB)
  • Sally Hopper (Hertfordshire County Council)
  • Anne Fox (Clinks)
  • Caron French and Cynthia Dugan: (WTW)

A special mention is also due to those who shared their personal experiences:

  • Paul Idem
  • Aaron White
  • Ossama Chiker

We also had some of our Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) at the event – specifically, our Chair, Keith Jones; Small Business specialist Patrick Burge; and our previously mentioned Public Sector rep., Sally Hopper.

Overall, the interactive sessions discussed the importance of our Alliance, an overview of the UK’s first Employment Charter for recruiting and progressing people with criminal records, and some of the lessons organisations have learned on their inclusive recruitment journeys.

Our community of practice continues to grow, and we’re incorporating the insights and feedback from our soft launch into the resources for employers to safely, successfully and sustainably remove barriers for those often furthest from the workforce. By deploying collective employer action, at the very human level, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters can reimagine their lives as part of stable families and diverse communities.

Our early adopters and founding members / signatories are working to make that possible, practical and normal. And reflections from attendees after the event have been extremely helpful and encouraging as we move forward to our ‘Go Live’ event, which we have rescheduled for the early autumn.

One final important thank you: to Mark Whelan at Havas (one of our SAB members), for his continued unwavering support and use of a fantastic building!

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