Havas Village Building Exterior, 3 St Pancras Square, King's Cross.

Get ready: we’re going LIVE in October

FCBA ‘Go Live’ date confirmed

Following consultation with our strategic advisory board and key stakeholders, and given the election cycle surrounding us, we have pushed our Go Live date back to October 2nd.

Yes, that’s right…

The UK Fair Chance Business Alliance is thrilled to invite you to our Go Live event, where we will unveil our mission, founding members, and exciting plans for the future. 

Join us as we champion a more inclusive business landscape across the UK. You can find out more about our value proposition by:

We’ve challenged the existing paradigm of producing another ‘best practice guide’, replacing it with a Bronze/Silver/Gold tiered framework to solve one of the biggest challenges facing employers (talent shortages) and society (economic inequality). Jeff Korzenik, a respected American author (and Chief Economist for one of their largest banks) called our approach ‘ground-breaking’. Over here, in the UK, the Alliance and Charter have already been referred to as Ban the Box 2.0 and a Disability Confident for the Justice Sector.

Are you ready to learn more about becoming a fully-fledged Fair Chance member? Places will be limited – but we can’t wait to test the waters with you on the day!

Register to find out more:

The date: Wednesday, October 2nd.
The time: 12 midday – 3pm.
The location: Havas UK, 3 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG
The agenda: Lunch at midday, then the Charter goes Live! at 1pm.

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